The facts are clear:

Melanie Scheible: Smart, forward-looking solutions for Nevada

Melanie is the only candidate we can trust to protect our interests and lead Nevada with accountability and transparency.

Tina Brown: Hand-picked by extremists to dismantle our Nevada values

Learn the facts about the SD 9 candidates  >

The facts are clear:

Melanie Scheible: Smart, forward-looking solutions for Nevada

Melanie is the only candidate we can trust to protect our interests and lead Nevada with accountability and transparency.

Tina Brown: Hand-picked by extremists to dismantle our Nevada values

Health Care

Melanie Scheible

  • Committed to keeping extremists out of the doctor’s office
  • Voted to prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions
  • Passed legislation protecting patients from surprise medical billing
  • Forced Big Pharma to disclose prescription drug pricing
  • Sponsored legislation that allows pharmacists to dispense birth control to Nevada women without a trip to the doctor

Tina Brown

  • Part of the team that wants to completely outlaw choice in Nevada, even in cases of Rape and Incest
  • Part of the team that would jail women who have abortions and the doctors that perform them
  • Pledged to follow party leaders who have proposed plans to skyrocket the cost of health care in Nevada


Melanie Scheible

  • Passed the largest education budget in Nevada history WITHOUT raising taxes on working families
  • Held CCSD accountable and ensured free summer school, free lunches, and more computer equipment for all K-12 students
  • Passed the Student Loan Bill of rights and increased the number of scholarship and grant recipients for Nevada college students
  • Tripled investments in Pre-K education
  • Secured teachers a much needed and deserved pay raise

Tina Brown

  • Says taking away more money from public schools is her TOP PRIORITY
  • Supports subsidizing elite private schools for millionaires and billionaires
  • Would allow schools using these tax dollars to discriminate against children with disabilities


Melanie Scheible

  • Got Nevada's financial house in order by balancing the state budget and earning the state's highest-ever credit rating, without raising taxes on middle and working-class Nevada families.
  • Fought to ensure small businesses received over $100 million in grants during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Passed an increase to the minimum wage
  • Passed legislation ensuring employees the Right to Return to their jobs if they were laid off due to the pandemic

Tina Brown

  • Part of the team who proposed a MASSIVE TAX INCREASE on working Nevadans
  • Has faced tens of thousands of dollars in tax liens for unpaid taxes, but wants your vote to control the state budget

Public Safety

Melanie Scheible

  • Former Criminal Prosecutor who defended our communities from violent criminals, drug dealers, and sex offenders
  • Endorsed by police and law enforcement
  • Voted to INCREASE POLICE FUNDING to make Nevada #1 in the nation in percent of budget spent on law enforcement
  • Banned untraceable ghost guns threatening our communities
  • Passed universal background checks on gun purchases

Tina Brown

  • Part of the extreme team that:
    1. Wants to JAIL WOMEN for receiving an abortion and the doctors who preform them
    2. Opposes common sense background checks
    3. Allows violent criminals to be able to buy guns, no questions asked

Melanie Scheible is the only candidate we can trust to protect our safety and our rights. Tina Brown’s only qualification is being backed by extreme partisans who don’t have our interests at heart.

Melanie Scheible is the only candidate we can trust to protect our safety and our rights. Tina Brown’s only qualification is being backed by extreme partisans who don’t have our interests at heart.